How Antimicrobial UV Coating Can Help Keep Your Business Safe

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve constantly been looking for new ways to adapt and make ourselves safer — especially when it comes to frequently touched surfaces. For the most part, this has led to a reduction of print materials. But we know that, no matter how great digital solutions may be, there will always be a need for printed options. We took this to heart and are looking for the safest solutions possible to meet your printed needs. That’s why we equip our customers with an additional sanitation option: antimicrobial UV coatings.

What is an Antimicrobial UV Coating?

Before we dive into what antimicrobial UV coatings are, we need to clarify that antimicrobial is different from antibacterial. Antimicrobial coatings prohibit bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi from living on a surface. Antibacterial agents work to destroy or prohibit bacteria. Antimicrobial coatings offer a wider range of coverage. Antimicrobial UV coating is a finish for printed materials that is UV-cured. 

How to Use the Antimicrobial UV Coating

Antimicrobial UV coatings are perfect for anything reused in your business. Menus, coasters, listings or other print collateral commonly touched are great examples of potentially high-touch surfaces that would benefit from antimicrobial UV coatings. They help reduce contact with harmful bacteria, germs and viruses — something critical during this pandemic era. 

In addition to the safety benefits, the coating keeps your products looking and feeling neat for your customers. This will save you money on reprinting in the long run. 

Why We Support Antimicrobial UV Coatings

Several industries (particularly restaurants) have been shifting toward synthetic, multi-use printed materials for years. They’re more tear resistant and can handle multiple cleanings between uses without much issue. Synthetic printed materials also add a level of professionalism to your brand. 

The COVID-19 pandemic sped up the switch to synthetic coatings, and thus, we encourage anyone looking to print collateral that will be in someone’s hands to at least consider the health benefits of antimicrobial UV coating. That coating, paired with regular cleanings with peroxide based cleansers, can keep your business healthier and your customers happier. 

Want to learn more about how antimicrobial UV coatings can help your business stay safer during COVID-19? Our expert staff will help you with deciding optimal places to put the coating, as well as how to safely handle and distribute printed materials to your customers. Give us a call at 407-490-0690 with any questions, concerns or ideas you have.