4 Simple Tips for Successful Direct Mail Marketing for Real Estate

Direct mail and real estate marketing go together like peanut butter and jelly. Direct mail marketing gives real estate agents the tools they need to get their brand into the hands (literally) of potential buyers. There are few industries that use direct marketing more effectively than real estate!

Unpacking the Power of Direct Mail for Real Estate

Real estate: it’s one of the most looked-at markets in the US. Economic fluctuations, migration patterns, generational trends — all of those draw attention back to the real estate market and make people wonder “do we need to sell our house?” With millions of real estate agents flooding the market each year, it’s critical to stand out using effective marketing techniques.

Unpacking the Ways Digital Printing is Green

With so much focus on companies going “green,” printing and printed materials are some of the first things that get evaluated for their “greenness.” The quick reaction is to stop all printed materials and convert everything into digital assets. However, there are plenty of ways in which digital printing services can help companies reduce waste […]

How to Create a Convention Theme and Collateral

After several years of virtual conventions and canceled plans, convention season is back! That means it’s time to dust off the old banners, update messaging, and refresh your marketing collateral. For those who aren’t prepared, however, conventions can be overwhelming. By identifying key goals and using your collateral to support meaningful interactions, your brand can […]